Area Economic Policy and Theory


Why do people found companies? Why and how does innovation emerge? How to achieve equal educational opportunities and high educational levels? Political frameworks have a fundamental impact on the behavior of individuals and companies. In consequence, they affect both directly and indirectly the economic prosperity of a nation, as well as all over the world. Governmental interventions condition among others individual educational opportunities and labor market opportunities, the opportunity to innovate or the protection against risks (e.g. in the form of social insurances, the tax and the subsidy system). If designed and implemented adequately, they contribute to sustainable growth and social balance. Otherwise, they could damage individuals and overall society due to misallocation and ensuing inefficiencies. Accordingly, the investigation of the causal effects of economic-political interventions is a focal point of modern economics.

The quantitative and microeconomic oriented area of Economic Policy and Theory imparts the theoretical foundations on relevant nexuses and modern methods from game theory, behavioral economics, experiments (randomized control trials, RCTs) and quasi-experiments/econometrics. Based on this, the elective area offers courses on a broad range of topics covering important realms of economic policy, from which students are free to choose courses suiting their interests.

Structure Major

CategoryCredit points (ECTS)
Compulsory modules10
Elective modules (without seminars)35
Elective module (seminar)5

Structure Minor

CategoryCredit points (ECTS)
Elective modul 20

Detailed structure

The modules have to be taken in semesters 1-3. Since all the elective module offers are prospective, changes are possible.

Compulsory modules Major / Elective modules Minor

Module / CourseLanguageSemesterExamination formCP (ECTS)
MicroeconomicsGermanWinterWritten Examination 60 min5Microeconomics
Foundations of Economic Policy GermanSummer Written Examination 60 min 5 Economic Policy

Elective modules (without seminars) Major / Elective modules Minor

Module / Course Language Semester CP (ECTS) Institute
Data Analytics German / English Winter and summer 5 Labour Economics
Advanced Asset Pricing English Winter 5 Finance and Commodity Markets
Lecture Series: Financial Markets and the Global Challenges English Summer 5 Finance and Commodity Markets
Financial Crises English Summer 5 Money and International Finance
Advanced Monetary Macroeconomics English Winter1 5 Money and International Finance
Applied Health Economics English Summer 5 Health Economics
Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation mit Sekundärdaten (Sekundärdatenanalyse als Evaluationsmethode) German Summer 5 Health Economics
Wirtschaftspolitische Beratung und Politikevaluation in Gesundheitsmärkten German Summer 5 Health Economics
Behavioral Economics of Poverty English irregular 5 Innovation Economics
Economics of Entrepreneurship English irregular 5 Innovation Economics
Incentives to Innovate English Summer 5 Innovation Economics
Innovation Policy English Winter 5 Innovation Economics
Advanced Macroeconomics English Winter 5 Macroeconomics
Advanced Macroeconomics II English Winter 5 Macroeconomics
Economic Revolutions English Winter 5 Macroeconomics
Topics in Dynamic Optimization English Winter1 5 Microeconomics
Topics in Game Theory German Winter 5 Microeconomics
Capital Taxation and Global Inequality English Winter 5 Public Finance
Empirical Methods for Policy Evaluation in Public Economics English Summer 5 Public Finance
Advanced Econometrics English Winter 5 Statistics
Energy Economics English Winter 5 Environmental Economics and World Trade
Environmental Economics English Winter 5 Environmental Economics and World Trade
World Trade English Summer 5 Environmental Economics and World Trade
Advances in Distribution Theory English Summer 5 Economic Policy
Econometric Methods German Winter 5 Economic Policy

1 Not in winter term 2024/2025


Elective modules (seminars) Major / Elective modules Minor

Examination form: Seminar Paper

Module / Course Language Semester CP (ECTS) Institute
Seminar in Data Analytics English / German Winter and summer 5 Labour Economics
Seminar Population Economics English Winter and summer 5 Labour Economics
Seminar Innovation Research English Winter 5 Innovation Economics
Forschungsseminar Mikroökonomik English Winter1 and summer 5 Microeconomics
Seminar in Game Theory German Winter1 and summer 5 Microeconomics
Seminar Empirical Research in Taxation and Public Finance English Winter 5 Public Finance
Seminar Taxation in the Global Economy English Summer 5 Public Finance
Doctoral Seminar Economic Policy English Winter and summer2 5 Economic Policy
Seminar Applied Economics English Summer2 5 Economic Policy

1 Not in winter term 2024/2025

2 Not in summer term 2024

Research and practical relevance

The area of Economic Policy and Theory conveys - orientated at international standards - state-of-art knowledge in research and application in order to enable students to structure and analyze economic-political questions. By combining theory and quantitative methods, students learn key skills for the critical evaluation, appropriate communication and development of problem solutions. They gain relevant knowledge on the application and advancement of modern evidence-based economic research about identifying causal effects. In an attractive seminar program, skills and competencies are further deepened and applied to current questions. In addition, the great range of elective modules allows students to follow their interests.

Intended audience (Recommended skills)

The area of Economic Policy and Theory addresses students that are interested in economic questions and want to understand and analyze them based on quantitative and behavioral methods.

Career prospects

Graduates from the area Economic Policy and Theory have acquired an in-depth understanding of economic issues. They can effectively communicate, critically assess and further advance economic insights. Due to their analytic and professional skills they can be employed as economists in a wide range of exciting occupations, both nationally and internationally. Graduates typically gain high-ranked positions in business and finance, government, economic organizations as well as in academic and non-academic research institutions.