Economics and Management Faculty Institutes
Environmental Economics and World Trade

Environmental Economics and World Trade


Brief description

The research and teaching agenda of IUW focuses on topics related to environment, development and trade. Questions about the use of labeling for export goods and its impact on developing countries, about food safety issues in trade, the competitiveness of countries, or the governance of value chains are examples.


Executive Director

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote
 Ulrike Grote  Ulrike Grote


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote
 Ulrike Grote  Ulrike Grote

Research Staff

 Robyn Blake-Rath  Robyn Blake-Rath © Jakob Richter
Nusrat Zaitun Hossain
 Nusrat Zaitun Hossain  Nusrat Zaitun Hossain
Duc Tri Anh Nguyen, M. Sc.
 Duc Tri Anh Nguyen  Duc Tri Anh Nguyen
M. Sc. Brigitte Ruesink
 Brigitte Ruesink  Brigitte Ruesink © Jakob Richter
 Ronja Seegers  Ronja Seegers © Jakob Richter
Dr. Etti Winter

Member of Lecturing Staff

PD Dr. Trung Thanh Nguyen
 Trung Thanh Nguyen  Trung Thanh Nguyen

Emeritus/Retired Professors

Prof. Dr. Erich Schmidt