Hints for the application for WiWi and WiIng

You would like to apply for an exchange semester within the framework of Erasmus+ and/or for worldwide partner universities of the Faculty of Economics and Management? Then you will find here some hints for your application that must be considered.
Information on the application documents and application deadline for programmes abroad of Faculty International Office is provided on our website for Outgoings.
Further information regarding the planning of a stay abroad can be found on the websites of the Central International Office of the LUH.
Hints for the application documents
Curriculum vitae
Your curriculum vitae written in English and in table form should contain all important information on your academic and professional career. The most suitable curriculum vitae is the one according the pattern of European CV.
Motivation letter
Motivation letter
In your motivation letter written in English you state a reason, why did you choose your desired universities. It is important to understand your motivation. Why would you like to spend one semester abroad? Would you like to get to know more about some specific region (or even specific city)? Has your desired university some certain focus that you are particularly interested in?
The more you exert yourself, the better we understand your motivation and the better your wishes can be fulfilled.
Your motivation letter could mention following aspects:
- A few words about yourself and your hitherto career.
- Why would you like to go abroad and how the stay abroad matches your hitherto career?
- What is the objective of your stay abroad?
- Why did you decide on this specific university (or this country)? If you decided on more than one university, please explain your first priority the most intensely and respond briefly to your other options.
- What do you expect personally and academically from your stay abroad?
- What else is important for your stay abroad?
Performance record
Transcript of marks in English
In order to receive certified issue of your current performance record in English language (Transcript of Records), please contact the examination authority. Your contact person is Mrs. Dannenbring.
Online application
Please include a printout of LUH-online-application to your application documents.
- Under “Meine Bewerbung” you create your own account with user name and password – this account is independent of your LUH-ID, matriculation number etc.
- You can interrupt your application anytime and continue later. In order to do it, please click on “beenden”. Your application will be automatically saved.
- Under “Persönliche Daten” you can communicate all the necessary information on your person. Thereby please consider that the “Nationale Identifikationsnr.” is the number of your passport/national identity document. “Korrespondenzadresse” is your semester address in Hannover and “Heimatadresse” is the address of your parents – please communicate both (if different).
- Under “gewünschte Mobilität” you must inscribe which programme you want to apply for.
- If it is about ISEP application, please write under “Institution” only your first choice. Should you not find it in the system, please choose another university (It does not influence priorities on your ISEP university list).
- Under the category “Gewünschter Auslandsaufenthalt” you can inscribe in your application (cover sheet and online application) up to 4 desired universities (ERASMUS / worldwide partner universities / GUEST), index by priority.
- Within the framework of ERASMUS it is possible to apply for max. 3 desired universities.
- In case of combination of ERASMUS and worldwide partner universities and/or GUEST you can specify max. 4 desired universities.
- Please keep in mind to mention the type “mit Austausch” / “with exchange”.
- In “Studienfach” please fill the discipline of your exchange and the discipline respectively, which should be studied with main focus abroad.
- Should you want to apply for more programmes, e.g. for university place at the Kasetsart University Bangkok, Thailand and for ERASMUS partner university – then you can add further mobilities (programmes) by means of button “mehr” and apply for several programmes with the online application at the same time.
- The category “Mobilitätszuschuss” primarily refers to students who want to go abroad through ERASMUS programme. You don’t have to communicate the details of your bank account if you don’t apply for the scholarship but for university place through another programme – please write zero in the gaps.
- When all mandatory fields are filled the button “senden” will appear with which you can submit the form.
- The generated PDF file must be printed and enclosed to your application documents.
- Please sign the online application form on the last page before submitting the application.
Office hours Faculty International Office
- Tuesdays: 10:30-12:30am online via Stud.IP/ BBB (search for „Auslandsbüro / Faculty International Office“ sign in and click „Meetings“)
- Tuesdays: 14-16h on-campus (building 1501, room 101-103)
- Thursdays: 10:30-12:30am on-campus (building 1501, room 101-103)