Economics and Management Studies Im Studium International News
EUST - Online discussion and information event 29 March 2021

EUST - Online discussion and information event 29 March 2021


Research and teaching without borders/ living and experiencing European integration anew - BE PART OF IT!

The European University of Society und Technology (EUST) Alliance, has set itself the goal of jointly developing the link between society and technology development in teaching, research and knowledge transfer internationally. 

On March 29, 2021, there will be an initial online discussion and information session at LUH to introduce the EUST Alliance to the university public. For this purpose, all members of the university are cordially invited to participate in the discussion on the design of the alliance. So be a part of it! 

The event will take place 29 March 2021, 12:00-13:30 via Webex. To enter the Webex-event please follow this Webex-Link or find the participation information on the following website.