SPbPU International Polytechnic Summer School 2020 of our partner university Peter the Great Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg will be held online.
Due to increasing crisis circumstances in Russia caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, extended national travel bans along with restrictions on student visas invitation issuance, the International Polytechnic Summer School 2020 will deliver most of the courses scheduled for this season online. Regrettably, some of the programs will be cancelled this year due to specific requirements that distance learning format cannot satisfy. The summer courses descriptions on the website are under construction and they will be fully updated soon.
The tuition fee for the online courses will be almost twice lower than for the offline ones, also the application deadlines and fee payment terms will be extended until 2 weeks before the courses start.
Find further information here: https://english.spbstu.ru/education/programs/short-term-programs/summer-school/.
Feel free to contact us if you have further questions.
Kind regards
Your Faculty International Office