Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Studium Im Studium International News
Attention teaching staff! IV Going Abroad Fair - November 2021 at University Alcalá

Attention teaching staff! IV Going Abroad Fair - November 2021 at University Alcalá

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You are working as a lecturer at the LUH and you always wanted to experience teaching abroad? Then take a chance and apply for the "IV Going Abroad Fair".

The Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism at the University of Alcala invites one or two persons of the teaching staff of the LUH to lecture in the "IV Going Abroad Fair". These lectures will take place online during November and December. Feel free to choose any topics you prefer as long as they belong to the Business, Economics or Tourism areas of study. The target group will be undergraduated students on their first or second year of their degree at the UAH.

In general, you will have to give a lecture with the duration of 90 minutes. In the beginning you will be supposed to introduce the partner university (the Faculty International Office would support you regarding the presentation about the LUH as well). Afterwards the rest of the time will be the presentation of the actual academic content.

In order to know more details about the date, time and your application procedure, please check the following flyer.

Use this opportunity to experience something new for yourself and also to attract some international students to the Leibniz University in Hannover!