Economics and Management Studies Im Studium International News
Online program on "Change Management": São Carlos School of Engineering and University of São Paulo, Brazil

Online program on "Change Management": São Carlos School of Engineering and University of São Paulo, Brazil


Our partner, São Carlos School of Engineering and University of São Paulo, Brazil (EESC/ USP) offers an English-language online course on "Change Management".

The course is an initiative of the Department of Production Engineering at the São Carlos School of Engineering (EESC), University of São Paulo (USP). The program is free of charge for students from partner universities and in the end, students receive a Transcript of Records with a grade and credits.

The course aims to develop leadership skills related to the “change management process”. It will introduce discussions about strategic orientation, organizational alignment, organizational culture, organizational learning, resistance to change and concepts of change management. All these topics will be applied in a project that the students will develop in a team with partners’ organizations.

The proposal is to integrate both graduate and advanced undergraduate students in the same class to combine and to share learning experiences. Due to the new format (online and in English), it is expected the increasing diversity in the classes and, in this way, to enrich the learning experience for all students.

The course takes place from August 21 until December 18, 2020.

Application deadline: August 07, 2020

Information and registration:
